Revolution Hair Fiber
The Revolutionary Hair care

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Just like skin, the condition of your hair is an outward sign of inside health. The cells that make up each strand of hair require a regular supply of key nutrients. Eat the correct balance of the following vitamins and minerals to supply hair with all that it needs to remain shiny, lustrous and strong... Protein, Iron, Vitamin C, Omega-3, Vitamin A, Zinc and Selenium, Vitamin E, Biotin.

Not all hair brushes are created equal. Use a boar-bristle brush, or alternatively a boar bristle and nylon brush, to help smooth hair and distribute its natural oils. Using plastic brushes may lead to hair damage.

Like a deep conditioner, clarifying shampoo is different than regular shampoo. Anyone who uses hair products often should use a clarifying shampoo once per week. Clarifying shampoos remove product buildup, making hair easier to manage and prettier to look at.

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